Monday, August 27, 2007

I've Finally Lost My 10%

For all of you that have done Weight Watchers in the past, you know that it can be a big deal to get to a weight loss that is equal to 10% of your starting weight. The first time I did weight watchers (a few years ago), I ended up quitting right before I got to my 10%. I proceeded to gain all the weight back plus 3 pounds, and when I did weight watchers this last time, I quit WELL before I reached 10% (I had only lost about 10 lbs when I quit this last time). Chris and I have been really focusing on losing weight since we got back from our road trip. We did Atkins for about 5 weeks. We both lost about 16 lbs doing that. We took a weekend off in between (and both gained back a few pounds) and started South Beach on the 19th. SB has worked really well for me (actually for both of us) but Chris is having a rough time sticking to the rules. We have one more week on Phase 1 (in SB) and then we will switch to Phase 2, which is a lot more liberal on what you can eat, you just have to be a lot more aware of your body. We will probably give Phase 2 at least 2 weeks, and re-evaluate at that point. The plan all along was to kick start our weight loss, and eventually phase back into doing WW. WW is ultimately more manageable in our day-to-day lives, even though the weight loss is a bit slower.
Anyhow, I have officially lost . . . . .drum roll please . . . . . . 32 pounds (total)!!!! I can really see a difference, and I have dropped a size on both bottom and top. I still have almost 100 pounds to go (in total), but I'm really focusing on the little goals, so I won't get overwhelmed. Chris and I have indefinitely put off having kids until I've gotten by BP a little more under control and I've lost another 40 lbs. We both want to be healthly and give our kiddo the best shot possible. Don't worry . . . it shouldn't take me longer than a year if I can keep up my current pace and movitivation.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Family Stone

Chris and I watched "The Family Stone" last night. I really didn't expect him to watch it with me . . . . he isn't a big fan of "romantic comedies". But we started watching it during dinner, and he had a meeting afterwords, so I figured I would finish it while he was gone. But before he left, he asked me to pause it cause he wanted to see how it resolves. After it was over, he said he actually really liked it.
Sarah Jessica Parker does a fantastic job playing an uncomfortable uptight girlfriend who is meeting her boyfriend's loud exuberant family at Christmastime. She does a good job at making you feel sorry for her, even though she makes a mess of things. There are a number of touching moments, and quite a bit of hilarity. I think one of the reasons that Chris liked it, is that it doesn't follow the "romantic comedy formula". At least, it adds a new twist.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Battlestar Galactica

Chris and I have watched Season 1 & 2 of Battlestar Galactica. My dad had talked about it a lot, and friends of ours really loved it. Chris and I have to work hard to find tv series that both of us like (Lost, The Office, Scrubs, 4400) so we decided to give it a shot. My dad had bought season 1 and 2 on dvd, so we borrowed them. We made it through the ENTIRE set in less than 2 weeks (it may have even been just over a week). They are SO well done. It is a series that runs on the scifi channel. Season 3 should be coming out on DVD in august, and we just can't wait. Season 4 starts in mid January (I think). Unfortunately, we started watching a program that is getting ready to start its last season. Go figure. We find something we love, and it is ending. It has a little of everything in it. Action, sex, drama, comedy, etc. It's all there.
Plus, they don't use the "f" word. They say "frack" instead. You know you are a battlestar galactica fan, when you start saying "frack".

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

back to blogging

i kind of gave up for awhile, but now i'm back. :)
The final Harry Potter book comes out on Friday. I only started reading the books after the sixth book came out, so this is my first official "release day" book. Granted, I read through the books very very quickly. And have read them through a few times already. I even got Chris to read the whole series. He isn't as excited as I am about the final book, but I know that he will be reading it shortly after I finish. :)
My predictions. Harry doesn't die. Harry kills Voldemort. Ginny joins Ron and Hermione to help track down the horcruxes. Arthur Weasly dies. Snape dies. Neville dies. Most of the death eaters die. I think a mystery will be revealed that centers around a relationship between Lily and Snape. I think they will find a horcrux in Godric's Hollow. I'm guessing he will have to be at Hogwarts for something during the year . . . just because it would be like writing a complete different book to leave Hogwarts off. I think that Harry becomes the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.
DO NOT even joke about giving away the book. I DO NOT want to read any spoilers, and I will seriously be pissed off if someone ruins this for me. Like actually upset, won't talk to you for awhile if you are that malicious.
I hope to blog more regularly. I have a bunch of stuff to write about, including:
1. applied for a new job at the hospital
2. our road trip to new england
3. weight loss success
4. pictures of my soon to be newly organized office/scrapbook room
5. ideas for a new website (not personal website)
6. and much much more.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Eye exercise

I found the following article about eye exercises . . . thought it looked very interesting. Enjoy!
Eyesight FitnessThese exercises, designed and used for patients at the Tao of Wellness Center, are helpful for maintaining and improving your vision.
Try to do these exercises first thing in the morning and just before bed. Another good time is when your eyes feel tired, such as right after computer use. Make sure that your hands are clean and that you are relaxed in body and mind. The key to progress is practicing regularly, preferably every single day.
1. Warming the Eyes: Rub your palms together to create heat, and then place them against your eyes for five seconds. Repeat this three times.
2. Pressing the Rim of the Valley: Use both thumbs and press slowly from the inside outward along the upper rim of the eye sockets. Then switch to both index fingers and press along the lower rim of the eye sockets from the inside outward. Repeat three times.
3. Rolling the Marble: Press the back of your thumbs gently against the eyeballs; slowly roll up and down 12 times. Then slowly roll from side to side 12 times.
4. Turning the Wheels of Fortune: Place the thumb knuckles at both temple areas and massage in circular motion three times. Repeat the same actions above the mid-point of the eyebrows at the forehead, then below the eyes on both sides of the bridge of the nose.
5. Staring at the Light: hold an object out in front of you as far as possible. Focus your eyes on the object while slowly moving the object closer until it is six inches from your nose. Then focus on the object as you move it slowly away from you. Repeat this three times and relax briefly in between.
6. Spinning the Basketball: With your eyes open, roll eyes clockwise, then counter-clockwise three times each. Try to look into the sockets of your eyes as much as possible.
7. Taking a Nap on the Job: Put your head back, close your eyes, and relax for three minutes.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cleaned out my closet

I have been a little out of sorts lately. I feel like I'm in some weird kind of waiting stage, and I'm not really doing anything. We are still waiting to hear about Chris' job. This is taking FOREVER. But I'm learning patience. And trust. Just because I'm learning them, doesn't mean that I'm enjoying them. Anyway, I decided to work on some stuff that I CAN control while we are waiting for something that we can't.
So I'm starting at the corner of the house (the master closet). It had gotten pretty cluttered. So last night I dragged out all the stuff that was on the floor. I rearranged some of the storage, and sorted the clothes according to type. We put out the summer clothers, and put away the winter clothes. I vaccumed the flour and ran the rainbow on air filter for the whole night in there. It looks FANTABULOUS if I do say so myself. I will be creating a project plan for each room, that will list all the projects that I would like to do in each room with all the necessary details. For example, in the closet, I would like to get some more shelving so that we can have an area for our towels and such (oddly enough, our house doesn't have a linen closet or a coat closet). So I will write down at the measurements, and do a rough sketch, so I can get some prices together.
Tonight, it is the master bathroom. It shouldn't take too long, because we just got the toilet fixed in the master bathroom last friday, and hadn't been using the bathroom for about a month before that.
The best part about this plan, is that it is only about organizing, and not about cleaning. Chris and I have devised a new housekeeping plan. I do everything that has to do with organzing, arranging, and/or putting away. Chris does all of the actual "cleaning". If it involves a chemical or a tool, its his job. It really plays to our strengths. Chris doesn't like trying to figure something out, or doing a job that he considers to be "vague". However, I'm really good at that stuff. And I HATE the actual physical cleaning stuff. He doesn't mind it so much, and when he puts his mind to it, does a really good job (he has shown some perfectionist tendancies in that area). Plus, I feel like a burden is lifted off of my shoulders. I always felt so guilty because I very rarely got to the "cleaning" stuff unless company was coming, because the "putting away" took so long. And overall, this gives us a very clean deliniation of tasks.
So, after I'm done organizing the bathroom, Chris will come behind me and do the actual cleaning. Here is the order of the rooms:
Master Closet
Master Bathroom
Master Bedroom
Living Room
Entryway/Laundry room
Guest Bathroom
SMT Office
CMT Office
We may be getting a digital camera soon, so hopefully I will be able to take some pictures of the newly organized house and add them to the site.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Finally did our taxes. I LOVE owning a house. Before we itemized we were going to owe 1600. Once we itemized, it was on 400. And that is only with half a year worth of interest. Next year we are going to be golden! FINALLY! It all works out in the end cause we are getting more back from the state taxes than we owe on the federal. Now that was unexpected . . . if I had known that I would have filed back in February. I was just so tired of owing.
Next year you can guarantee that I will file early. :)

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Pray for my husband

Hey everyone, if you could take a second and pray for Chris, I know it will make a difference. He is going through a very tough situation at work, and it has really affected him. He just needs wisdom and strength to get through this. This should be a happy time for him (hope to have an announcement about his job in the next few days (week), and it is definitely being overshadowed with some major drama.
Thanks a bunch!

Monday, February 26, 2007

I'm back

Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm back. I swear to you, last week felt like it was a month long. Between the grief, the driving, being away from home, planning, remembering, not sleeping, and regret, I feel like it lasted forever.
I wasn't sure that I was ready to come back to work, but I didn't think staying home would help me get more ready. Thankfully, knock-on-wood, today isn't crazy busy. Busy enough so that I'm distracted, but not so busy that I'm overwhelmed.
I think I'm still a little shocky, because I can't quite seem to get into anything. I had a number of projects that I was getting ready to start and/or complete before I left last week, and I looked at them last night . . . . and just felt nothing.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


My grandmother on my father's side, Gloria passed away on Monday, Februrary 19th at 11:35 pm. I was able to be with my Grandma and my family on Monday, and was with Grandma when she passed away. Please pray for the family during this time.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Been awhile

seems like the longer you are away from blogging the harder it is to come back. things haven't been particularly crazy lately, just haven't been particularly in the mood to update. So, at least for right now, instead of trying to catch up on what has happened, I'll just start from now and go forward. i think that a lot of good stuff has happened, but some of it has been kind of private and there is that weird line that is hard to know who might be seeing the info. so anyway.

my EXCITING (dripping with sarcasm here, its terribly exciting to me, but everyone else will think it is lame) news is that i have spent the last few weeks setting up my office. as part of my birthday present, chris helped me clean out my office to the point where i could get a handle on the organizing part. we rearranged the furniture a bit, and i'm in the midst of the organzing right now. i have spent quite a few evenings working on my filing cabinet. it gives me a weird thrill to see the nice organized, LABELED, filing system. i tried to get chris as excited about it, but it was a no go. i thought about taking a picture of it, and posting it, but then everyone would be able to see all of our accounts, and that is kind of creepy. but believe me, it is BEAUTIFUL! i am mostly done with the filing. probably about 75% done. i have all of the file folders labeled and put in the right order, but i have a big stack of papers to be put INTO the file folders. All of the papers are organzied, so honestly, that shouldn't take too much time. chris also made me a shelf to go over my desk for the various items that are cluttering up my desk. I have put on a primer coat, and the first coat of paint. Chris is going to install the mounting hardware, and then I will paint the second coat, and then install it. After that, Chris will help put up the decorations in the room, and i will be all set. I bought a 4 ft folding table to use for scrapbook stuff. that way i don't have to put away my stuff all the time. i'm also in the process of upgrading my computer a bit.
let me know if there is anyone out there still reading this! shamelessly begging for comments. :)