Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Family Stone

Chris and I watched "The Family Stone" last night. I really didn't expect him to watch it with me . . . . he isn't a big fan of "romantic comedies". But we started watching it during dinner, and he had a meeting afterwords, so I figured I would finish it while he was gone. But before he left, he asked me to pause it cause he wanted to see how it resolves. After it was over, he said he actually really liked it.
Sarah Jessica Parker does a fantastic job playing an uncomfortable uptight girlfriend who is meeting her boyfriend's loud exuberant family at Christmastime. She does a good job at making you feel sorry for her, even though she makes a mess of things. There are a number of touching moments, and quite a bit of hilarity. I think one of the reasons that Chris liked it, is that it doesn't follow the "romantic comedy formula". At least, it adds a new twist.

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