Chris and I both got the same desk. The main difference is that he got the L desk with the hutch, and I just got the L desk. We are going to pick them up tomorrow after church.
Right now, I've been playing with the layout of the office trying to figure out how to make it all work. Hopefully I will be working from home soon. That is part of the motivation in getting the new combined office setup. We talked about trying to share a desk, but between each having our own computers, and all of our stuff, and possibly needing them at the same time, we just didn't think it was feasible. If I'm working from home, I definitely need my own space without other stuff as well. The set we bought was on sale, so that was nice. We still need to buy a few more things from the office, but I'm glad that we found the big stuff first!
We went to Equus Run Vineyard tonight with a few of Chris' friends from work. There was a catered dinner, and a theather group put on a production of The Merry Wives of Windsor. It was a little hot, but it got better as the night wore on. At least it didn't rain. It was nice to get to put a face to all the names that I have been hearing. I'm pathetic at trying to understand Shakespeare. I usually just gather what is going on by the actions, and not necessarily by the words. Chris, of course, was quoting the play right along with the actors. I think once he gets done with school, and we get settled back down, he may do theater. He would be fantastic at it.
I love the new desks. We recently bought a Wal-Mart one for now. My sister is still in college and I just graduated so we are still in that phase of life. I love to read too. I am here via the 100+ challenge. I hold giveaways at least once a week if you are looking for new books. :)
Thanks! We are in the process of putting them together, so it will be interesting. :) Don't feel bad, my husband and I have been married for over 6 years, and we are just now replacing all the hand me down furniture that we were given. We are very grateful that we had it, but very excited that we get to pick out our own stuff now. :) I'll definitely stop by and check out the giveaways! I love free stuff. :)
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