Thursday, May 29, 2008

Books That I Plan on Reading

So, for my own sanity (and since I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who reads this blog), I thought I would post the next 25 books I'm planning on reading for the challenge. That way I have an easy reference later.

  1. HP and the Goblet of Fire
  2. HP and the Order of the Phoenix
  3. HP and the Half-Blood Prince
  4. HP and the Deathly Hallows
  5. Size 14 is not fat either: a Heather Wells Mystery
  6. Big Boned: a Heather Wells Mystery
  7. The Pillars of the Earth (audio)
  8. World without End (audio)
  9. The Woods
  10. The Last Jihad
  11. The Last Days
  12. The Ezekiel Option
  13. The Copper Scroll
  14. Dead Heat
  15. Eleven on Top (audio)
  16. Twelve Sharp (audio)
  17. Lean Meant Thirteen (audio)
  18. Fearless Fourteen (audio)
  19. Good in Bed
  20. Certain Girls
  21. The Kite Runner
  22. Ender's Game
  23. Twilight
  24. New Moon
  25. Eclipse

100+ Reading Challenge

Found something on a blog that I would like to try. So I signed up. I'm going to try and figure out how many books I have read so far. I think I will say that I started in April. I should be able to remember all the books that I have read since then.

I'll post the list of books I have read, and plan to read a little bit later.
I will warn you, I love to read, but have only recently decided to start broadening my horizons when it comes to the kinds of books that I read. I mostly read for fun. So I do read a good bit of fluff. And I'm not ashamed of that. Suggestions are welcome, bashing is not.