It has been awhile. So instead of trying to catch you all up, I'm just going to jump right in like I've been blogging all along.
Chris and I joined a local CSA. We have split the membership with friends of ours. I have been wanting to join one for a number of years, but the sign up time always came and went, and it didn't get done. When you join a CSA, you are essentially getting a "membership" to their farm. Depending on the agreement, you get a share of the produce during harvesting season. For our particular CSA,
Berries on Bryan Station it was $400 per share, and we get 20 weeks worth of produce. Since we had never joined before, we weren't sure how much we would get each week, and if we would be able to eat it all (we aren't huge vegetable people). So we decided to split a share this first year and see how it goes. I picked this particular CSA because they offer strawberries, blackberries and raspberries throughout the season instead of just veggies.
We hope to get exposed to some new vegetables, and hopefully establish better eating habits. In the past, our regular vegetables have been potatos, corn, green beans, and squash. Generally our salads come from a bag. And more often than not, I end up throwing the salad bag away when it gets all nasty. I know that a lot of people join CSAs because they want organic vegetables, or they are concerned about buying locally to help reduce how far their veggies travel to get to them. I will be honest and say that we didn't join for those reasons. I don't have anything against organic food, and while I'm interested in sustainability, I don't really do much about that yet. However, I do like supporting the local economy, and I wanted to be exposed to a more diverse set of vegetables. My hope is that we get a little bit healthier this summer. I also hope that I can show that this is actually a good deal. I'm going to try and keep track of how much food we get, and kind of compare that to what we would spend if we bought the same stuff at the grocery store. And I'm sure there will be other benefits that we discover along the way.
I will try to post pictures each week of what we get from the CSA. If you have any questions or advice, definitely leave a coment. I know I tried to do a little research from real people before we joined, and it was hard to find.
As a side note, I've also planted a tomato plant in the topsy-turvey (the upside down growing thing), and a basil plant and sage plant. I'm not fond of gardening AT ALL. But I do think it is an important skill to have. In the past, I have had ZERO luck growing anything. I have 10 black fingers. But I'm determined to try. :)