Woo hoo! That picture is from our last big camping trip to Townsend, TN/Great Smoky Mountains. I'm so very excited. Things are coming together quite nicely. There are a few more things that we need to purchase, but everything is still a go. I spent some time yesterday organizing all of my notes and/or printouts into one binder, so I can start condensing. Chris claims that I enjoy preparing for the trip more than the actual trip. I do enjoy planning, so its like I get to enjoy our vacation that much more! Anyhow, I am doing a lot of planning, but its not like I'm micro-scheduling every minute of every day. There is actually big blocks of time, where it will just be free time. I'm just trying to think through as many things as I can, so there will be less chance for a disaster. Plus, some of the things that we want to do require reservations.
I have posted a poll below. We have one day of sight seeing in Colorado Springs. In the morning, we will be visiting the Garden of the Gods. At lunch, we will grab something simple in Manitou Springs, and then head to Pikes Peak to ride the Cog Railway to the top. Right now, I'm trying to decide what to do for dinner that night. I'd like to do something fairly nice/unique, but we will also be dressed for outdoorsy stuff, so I don't want anything too fancy. I did some research and came up with the following choices. The first one has been recommended to me by multiple people. The next two are ones that I found on the internet, and look really interesting. Can't promise that I will abide by what the poll results are, but it would be nice to get some other feedback!
***poll removed****