Thursday, June 29, 2006

busy busy

wow things have been busy lately. we are still trying to fit into our new routines, and it is exhausting. we were never very good at keeping house at our townhome, so now, when we are trying to maintain our house, we are getting overwhelmed at times. Plus, we are trying to do the "summer" things. tonight, the plan is to move a bookshelf into my office, and try to unpack most of the stuff in my office. I will have to figure out a temporary location for a few things, because I still need to get a table for my scrapbook stuff. plus, the extra bed is propped up against one of the walls in my office. we are planning on selling it, but didn't want to leave it in the garage cause it would start to smell like the garage. anyhow, i want to finish my office tonight. I also need to pick up a few things from the store. i think the plan for saturday will be to get the rest of the stuff from our storage unit, and to semi-organize the garage, and definitely organize all the camping stuff. We are going to be taking an extended weekend camping trip to the Great Meadows Campground from in the middle of July. So I need to have the camping stuff organized by then.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

finally blogging from the new house

oh, the adventures in setting up a home wireless network. my FIL bought us a wireless router and a wireless adapter, and i was thinking it would be easy-cheesy to get it setup. initially, it was really easy to setup. i followed the instructions for setting up the cable modem, and for configuring the router, and everything worked peachy keen. the problem came the next day when chris hooked up his computer to the network. for some reason it kept dropping the connection, or it would say that it found the access point, but couldn't see the internet. a frustrating 2 hours later, and it just started working. who knows. at least now i can sympathize with some of the users that i talk to. i was ready to pull my hair out, because it wasn't working, but there wasn't an apparent reason why it wasn't working.

anyhow, i am on my new computer (new to me, thank you very much mom and dad treen!) i haven't really got it configured for me yet. it is my MIL's old computer and she has some stuff she still needs to get. i tried to "clean" it as much as i could, cause she had some invalid shortcuts and spyware and such, so i got most of that off, without deleting anything important (don't worry if you read this, i seriously didn't delete any personal stuff). the new computer is a cute "cube" computer. chris and i are talking about getting him a new high end computer, and then he has to "pay" us back with his freelance money till it is paid off. don't worry, we would pay cash. :) we are too far along in paying off our debt (minus the house) to get into anymore debt. if we do get a new computer, we may donate Chris' old computer to our church. it is a very nice computer, and would be good for the associate pastor. i wander if we could count that as tax deductible??

i haven't been feeling very good lately, so keep me in your prayers. it isn't anything major, just enough to make me feel like crap. i have done something funky to my back and it is bothering me on a semi regular basis now.

i will try and borrow the digital camera in the next few days and post some pictures of the house and of Lucy (oh, didn't I tell you? chris has named the lawn, Lucy!)

Friday, June 09, 2006

entry for june 09, 2006

i had all of these ideas/thoughts to blog, and i totally let time get away from me. hopefully we will get our computers set up this saturday and i will be able to get online at home! :)

btw, i did have my ingrown toenail operated, so i'm limping a little, but it went really well.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


well its done. we are in our new house, and we have finished cleaning the townhome. sorry for the delay in posting. i promise a nice, long, juicy post of the following topics
  • the adelphia cable/internet drama
  • the uhaul saga
  • the never-ending cleaning journey
  • saying goodbye to Chris' parents as the move to northern africa

Needless to say, everything didn't go as planned. But the good news is, we are done. The closing went perfectly, and honestly, only took about 30 minutes. The actual move itself went really good, and we had the most amazing helpers. I can't thank them enough!! It is just the OTHER things that went down this weekend that made my life a little stressful. But like I said, we are finished with all of that!

Now we get to unpack the house, but we are taking it one step at a time. The kitchen is completely unpacked, and that is the most important. Our clothes are accessible and the tv/dvd/cable is hooked up. We are good to go. We did find some time to go furniture shopping, and we think that we have our dining room chairs picked out.

My parents got to come down and help, and it really meant a lot to me that they were here to share this with me. I'm such a sap, but when my dad told me he was proud of me, I wanted to bawl.

I know this post is all over the place, but that is where my brain is right now. Part of me was relieved to get back to work, because the work would be easier than what I have been doing!